Lujvo used in le litru
loi lujvo pe la'e lu le litru
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- predenmi
- prenu+denmi. x1 (location/container) is crowded / dense with
people x2 (vlasisku)
- ca'orzai
- canko+zarci. c1=z1 is a window/booth selling z2, operated by
z3, in building/structure c2 (mi finti)
- pledi'i
- pelji+jdini. j1 is paper money issued by j2 (noralujvo)
- toldra
- to'e+drani
- sligau
- slilu+gasnu. g1 (agent) swings/oscillates s1 at frequency s2
through states s3. (everywhere, places as in noralujvo)
- muvgau
- muvdu+gasnu. g1 moves m1 to destination m2 from origin m3
over path/route m4 (vlasisku)
- jelgau
- jelca+gasnu. g2 burns/ignites j1 … (everwhere, place
structures vary)
- sa'orgau
- salpo+gasnu. g1 leans/slants/tilts s1 away from vertical
by angle s2 (vlasisku)
- gugypau
- gugde+pagbu. p_1 is a state/province/region (first-level
administrative division) of country p_2=g_1 (vlasisku)
- cupli'u
- clupa+litru. l1 makes a round trip via route l2 by means l3
- fagystigau
- fagri+sisti+gasnu. g1 extinguishes s1, s2=f1. (noralujvo)
- kagja'a
- kagni+jatna. j1 is the president/director of company j2=k2
- terve'u
- te+vecnu (everywhere)
- fuzyji'i
- fuzme+jinvi. j1 blames/suspects/holds responsible f1 for f2
to authority f3 (noralujvo)
- bijyjbu
- briju+jubme. x_1=j_1 is an office desk/counter of material
x_2=j_2, in office x_3=b_1 of worker x_4=b_2 at location x_5=b_3
- fetspe
- fetsi+speni. f1=s1 is a wife of s2 under convention s3
- xa'ucne
- xabju+cenba. x1 moves/changes residence to x2 from x3
(vlasisku) (maljvo)
- pavrelma'i
- pa+re+masti. m1 is December of year m2, calendar m3 (vlasisku)
- sa'irbi'o
- b1=s1 stands up onto surface s2 supported by limbs s3 (everywhere)
- dinveicu'u
- dinju+vreji+cuntu. c1 is an/the accounting function/activities
involving persons c2, using currency issued by j2, recording
v2 (data/facts/du'u) about v3 (object/event); c1 is accounting.
- zanyni'o
- zabna+cnino. c1=z2 is modern/up-to-date (favorable sense)
according to z3=c2 in feature c3 (mi finti)
- sipku'a
- sipna+kumfa. k1 is a bedroom with sleeper s2 … k2, k3
- spusku
- spuda+cusku. c1=s1 replies with c2 to speaker c3 via c4 to
stimulus s2 (everywhere)
- gusydicra
- gusni+dicra. d1 extinguishes light g1, … g2, g3. (vlasisku)
- vrogai
- vorme+gacri. g1 is a door in doorway/accessing passage g2=v1 between
v2 and v3 of structure v4. (everywhere, following the place structure
from vlasisku)
- kumyzda
- kumfa+zdani. z1=k1 is an apartment for z2 in structure k2
- fonjudri
- fonxa+judri. j1 is the phone number of j2 [in system f2]
- kargau
- kalri+gasnu. g1 opens k1 … (everywhere, various structures)
- vruca'a
- savru+cabra. c1 is a horn/buzzer/siren producing strident
noise c2=s1 [operated by c_3] (everywhere)
- cukyku'ovelvei
- v4 is a gramophone record of music v2 (vlasisku)
- jbikla
- jibni+klama. k1 approaches j2, k3, k4, k5 (everywhere)
- cismyfra
- cisma+frati. c1=f1 smiles at f3 under conditions f4 (vlasisku)
- desygau
- desku+gasnu. g1 shakes d1 (everywhere)
- velnarge
- ve+narge
- bavlamdei
- balvi+lamji+detri. d1=b1 is tomorrow/the day after l2=b2,
day standard d3 (everywhere)
- kucysimgau
- kruca+simxu+gasnu. g1 folds/crosses/intertwines s1 (vlasisku)
- datnynoi
- datni+notci. n1=d1 is a report about n2=d2 from reporter n3
to intended audience n4 (vlasisku)
- cabjeftu
- cabna+jeftu. j1=c1 is this week; j1=c1 is the week occuring
at the same time as c2, week standard j3 (everywhere, vlasisku place
- ckuzda
- cukta+zdani. z1 is a library (location) with books z2=c1 (noralujvo)
- flapaizda
- flalu+pajni+zdani. z1 is a judicial court administering lawsuit p2=f2
for community f3 (vlasisku)
- tolci'o
- to'e+citno. old (everywhere)
- catycku
- cartu+cukta. cu1 is an atlas/charter containing map(s)/charts/diagrams
cu2=ca1 of about ca2 showing formation ca3 by cu3 for audience cu4 in
medium cu5 (mi finti)
- djekarni
- djedi+karni. k1 is a daily newspaper with content k2 published by
k3 for audience k4 (everywhere)
- jelgau
- jelca+gasnu. g1 burns/ignites j1 … (everwhere, place
structures vary)
- zumtcidu
- zu'o+tcidu. z1 is the activity of reading (mi finti)
- vacysai
- vanci+sanmi. s1 is a dinner/supper/(evening meal) with dishes including
s2 (everywhere)
- tolcando
- to'e+cando. busy (everywhere)
- pintu'a
- a plain/flatland at location t_2 (vlasisku)
- cilsraga'a
- cilta+sarji+grana. g1 is a [telephone] pole of material g2 suporting
wires s2=c1 (mi finti)
- kanjunla
- j_1=k_1 is a watch (portable timepiece) measuring time units j_2 to
precision j_3 with timing mechanism j_4 (vlasisku)
- ga'orbi'o
- ganlo+binxo. g1=b1 closes (noralujvo)
- selsne
- se+senva (everywhere)
- caivru
- carmi+savru. s1=c1 is roaring/blinding to s2 via channel s2=c3
- sasfoi
- srasu+foldi. f_1 is a lawn/meadow/field of grass species s_2
- dzukla
- cadzu+klama. c_1=k_1 walks to k_2 from k_3 via route k_4 using
limbs k5=c3 on surface c2 (everywhere)
- selma'etro
- se+marce+jitro. j1 is a conductor managing passengers m2=j2
on vehicle m1 (…?) (mi finti)
- spafoi
- spati+foldi. f1 is a brush/shrubland [field of plants] with
predominant plant species/cultivar s2. (vlasisku)
- bevma'e
- bevri+marce. m1=b1 is a truck/transporter for carrying m2=b2
on surface/medium m3, propelled by m4 (everywhere, noralujvo
- xadycla
- xadni+clani. c_1=xa_1 is tall / has a long body by standard c_3
- galmu'u
- galtu+muvdu. m1 rises to m2=g1 from origin m3=g3 via path m4
- citnau
- citno+nanmu. n_1=c_1 is a youth/young man by standard c_2
- tolse'a
- to'e+setca
- plekarni
- pelji+karni. k_1 is a journal/periodical/magazine/[newspaper]
printed on paper with content k_2 published by k_3 for audience k_4.
- telcaugau
- stela+claxu+gasnu. g1 unlocks/unseals c1=s2 using lock/seal
s1 with mechnism s3 (vlasisku)
- xunblabi
- xunre+blabi. x1 is pink (everywhere)
- nivycreka
- nivji+creka. c1=n2 is a sweater of material c2=n3 (vlasisku)
- selpisyvictci
- se+pinsi+vimcu+tutci. t1 is an eraser for removing marking
material p2=v2 from surface v3 (mi finti)
- torvelski
- tordu+ve+skicu. s4=t1 is a summary of s2 to audience s3 by
s4, short by standard t3 (mi finti)
- tertca
- te+tcadu
- trukamni
- turni+kamni. k1=t1 is the governing council of t2, part of
governing body k3 (noralujvo)
- zdagunma
- zdani+gunma. g1 is a housing project/division/complex of
houses/nests/lairs g2=z1 for z2 (mi finti)
- da'asnu
- damba+casnu. c1 argues/quarrels about topic/subject c2=d3
with opponent x3=d2 (vlasisku)
- cmicu'a
- cmima+cuxna. cm_1=cu_1 votes for cu_2 among choices cu_3 in
voting group cm_2 (vlasisku) (somewhat unsatisfactory)
- jijyji'i
- jinvi+jijnu. jin_1=jij_1 has intuition-based opinion (hunch/suspicion)
jin_2=jij_2 (du'u) on subject jin_3=jij_3 (vlasisku)
- zengau
- zenba+gasnu. x1 increases/augments x2 (experiencer) in
property/quantity x3 by amount x4 (vlasisku)
- cmaro'i
- c1=r1 is gravel of rock type r2 (…) (noralujvo)
- lecydo'i
- lerci+donri. d1=l1 is the afternoon of d2 at d3 (everywhere)
- lijgri
- linji+girzu. g1=l1 is a row with common property g2 due to set
g3 linked by relations g4 (everywhere, vlasisku place structure)
- kindi'u
- skina+dinju. d1 is a movie theater / cinema (building) showing
movies/films s1 (everywhere)
- dagmlaterdzu
- dargu+mlana+te+cadzu. d1=m1=c3 is a sidewalk of road m2 (vlasisku)
- pagzai
- pagbu+zarci. x1=z1 is a department store selling/trading (for)
x2=z2, with departments x3=z3=p1 (vlasisku)
- manfyta'u
- manfo+taxfu. t1=m1 is livery/a uniform for wearing by t2
for purpose t3 (vlasisku) (maljvo)
- najnimre
- narju+nimre. ni1 is an orange of variety ni2 (vlasisku)
- vanjba
- vanju+jbari. j1 is a grape of variety j2 (everywhere)
- tervencpe
- te+vecnu+cpacu. v3=c1 orders/requests v2=c2 from v1=c3 by means c4
- nerkla
- nenri+klama. k1 enters k2=n2, k3, k4, k5 (everywhere)
- nivycreka
- nivji+creka. c1=n2 is a sweater of material c2=n3 (vlasisku)
- ri'ornimre
- crino+nimre. n1 is a lime of variety n2 (vlasisku)
- klafle
- klama+flecu. x1 is a flux/traffic of pedestrians/vehicles x2
going to x3 from x4 (vlasisku)
- xrukla
- xruti+klama. k1=x1=x2 returns to k2=x3 from k3=x4 via k4 using means
k5 (everywhere)
- nunji'e
- nu+jmive. n1 is the life (event or process of living) of j1
- lejykarce
- [ve]+pleji+karce. k1=p4 is a hired car/truck/taxi/cab hired
for payment p2 paid to p3 by p1 for carrying k2 and propelled by k3
(mi finti)
- tengau
- tcena+gasnu. g1 extends t1 to range t2 [interval/extent] in
dimension t3 from relaxed range t4 (vlasisku)
- dijysenta
- dinju+senta. s1 is a story/level/floor of building s3=d1 (vlasisku)
- labybla
- blabi+blanu. blab1=blan1 is light/sky blue (mi finti)
- jupkosta
- jukpa+kosta. k1 is an apron of material k2 (vlasisku)
- jupsfe
- jukpa+sefta. s1 is a cooking surface for cooking j2, surface of object
s2 (vlasisku)
- velylu'i
- ve+lumci
- vercka
- verba+ckana. c1 is a crib made of c2 for a child c3=v1 of age v2