liste be le'i lujvo pe la'e lu jdima be leza'i jmive li'u
Glossary of lujvo (etc.) used in “jdima be leza'i jmive”
- fetspe
- (noralujvo) fetsi+speni : s1=f1 is the wife of s2 under
law/custom s3. [fixed places; noralujvo omits s2]
- cersai
- (noralujvo) cerni+sanmi : s1 (mass) is a breakfast composed of
dishes including s2.
- xagrai
- (noralujvo) xamgu+traji : t1=x1 is the best of range t4 for
x2 by standard x3.
- lumku'a
- (vlasisku) lumci+kumfa : x1=k1 is a bathroom, in which x2=l1
washes x3=l2 (self/other(s)/body part), in home/building/structure
x4=k2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor x5=k3
- tikygau
- (noralujvo) stika+gasnu : g1 adjusts s2 (ka/ni) in
amount/degre s3. [fixed places]
- sudgaubu'u
- (noralujvo) sudga+gasnu+bukpu : b1 is a towel/dishrag/drying
cloth of material b2.
- tengau
- (vlasisku) tcena+gasnu : g1 extends t1 to range t2
[interval/extent] in dimension t3 from relaxed range t4.
- krevi'u
- (mi finti fo da ne la noralujvos) v1 shaves body location
- pavdei
- (noralujvo) pa+djedi : d1 is Monday by standard d2.
- pukpanlitki
- (vlasisku) pluka+panci+litki : x1 is perfume with odor x2
[places could be better]
- barjyse'u
- (vlasisku) barja+selfu : s1 is a bartender at bar b1, serving
b2 to audience/patrons b3=s2.
- jupku'a
- (everywhere) jukpa+kumfa : k1 is a kitchen in structure k2.
- rajycla
- (everywhere) sraji+clani : c1=r1 is tall by standard c2.
- lajypau
- (mi finti) klaji+pagbu : p1 is a block/segment of street
- reisku
- (noralujvo) preti+cusku : c1=p3 asks question c2=p1 to
audience c3=p4 via medium c4 about p5.
- dujyca'a
- (noralujvo) dunja+cabra : c1 is a refrigerator operated by
- nilsutra
- (vlasisku) ni+sutra : n1 is the speed / amount of fast-ness
measured on scale n2 of thing / agent s1 in / at doing / being /
bringing about s2 (event / state).
- bavlamna'a
- (vlasisku) balvi+lamji+nanca : n1=b1=l1 is next year;
n1=b1=l1 is the year following b2=l2 by year standard n3.
- jernu'e
- (1994 gismu list, mi finti lei te lujvo) jbera+nupre : n1
extends credit to n2=j1 / agrees to allow n2=j1 to borrow j2
for interval j3.
- zbaske
- (noralujvo) zbasu+saske : s1 (mass) is engineering about
s2=z2 with methodology s3.
- nerta'u
- (noralujvo) nenri+taxfu : t1=n1 is underwear for wear by
t2 for purpose t3.
- kulpikta
- (vlasisku) ckule+pikta : p1 is a diploma entitling p2 to
entitlement/privilege p3 (event/state) from
school/institute/academy x4=c1 teaching subject(s) x5=c3.
- vonplin.
- (vlasisku) (cmene) : Mars.
- zanselfu'a
- (vlasisku) zabna+se+funca : f2 is lucky/fortunate in f1=z2
- bajykla
- (noralujvo) bajra+klama : b1=k1 runs to k2 from k3 via route
k4 …
- vrogai
- (everywhere) vorme+gacri : g1 is a door/gate/hatch in access
way g2=v1 between g2 and g3 of structure g4.
- ma'ersrogau
- (vlasisku) marce+sorcu+gasnu : g1 parks vehicle m1=s2
in/at s3.
- nerkla
- (noralujvo) nenri+klama : k1 enters k2=n2 from k3 via k4 by
means k5.
- ga'ormolsa'a
- (vlasisku) ganlo+moklu+sanga : s1=m2 hums melody/song s2 to
audience s3.
- sirsedysligau
- (mi finti) sirji+[ke]+stedu+slilu+gasnu : g1=st2 nods
(vertical movement of) head sl1=st1 at frequency sl2
- mojgau
- (noralujvo) morji+gasnu : g1 reminds m1 of m2 (du'u) about
- socku'a
- (vlasisku) sorcu+kumfa : k1=s1 is a closet/storeroom for
materials s2 in containment s3 in home/building/structure k2
surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor k3 (mass/jo'u)
- sakyjistci
- (mi finti) sakci+[ke]+jinsa+tutci : t1 is a vacuum cleaner
… [further places TODO]
- cacryki'otre
- (mi finti fo da ne la vlasisku) cacra+[ke]+kilto+mitre : m1
moves m2 kilometers in c2 hours (default 1). [Awkward. Is that
really m1 in the x1 place?]
- kargau
- (noralujvo) kalri+gasnu : g1 opens k1.
- ctona'a
- (noralujvo) xecto+nanca : n1 lasts n2 centuries (hundreds of
years) [default 1] by year standard n3.
- nerkla
- (noralujvo) nenri+klama : k1 enters k2=n2 from x3=k3 via k4
by means k5.
- kesmarce
- (mi finti) kensa+marce : m1 is a space vehicle carrying m2
propelled by m3.
- taflumca'a
- (vlasisku) taxfu+lumci+cabra : c1 is a washing machine.
- troca'a
- (mi finti) jitro+cabra : c1=j1 is an apparatus / interface
for controlling j2 [connected device] in (zu'o/nu/pu'u) j3,
operated by agent c3. [“te troca'a” is not exactly analogous to
the English “X button”, i.e. “the button that makes the device
do X”.]
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